Immunisation is life-saving. This was the message, that Naushin, resident of Nurani Nagar, Malegaon took back to her family, especially to her brother, after the mother’s meet organised by CCDT – UNICEF in her locality.
Her brother had steadfastly refused to immunise his 10-month old son due to various reasons. Nurani, learning from the mother’s meet, convinced her brother about the importance of immunisation, and also how it can benefit his son in having good health. Her own knowledge she got from the meeting, along with her counselling, made her brother change his mind about immunisation.
Now Naushin’s brother, and their neighbours too, follow the immunisation as per schedule with Naushin acting as a strong advocate for immunisation.
Shakuntala, a homemaker and a tuition teacher went on telling how her child never had milk and breakfast regularly. She believed that cooking a good breakfast every day was time-consuming and she was afraid that her child might not even like the taste of it.
With Bright Start’s intervention, Shakuntala’s myths were busted. The team introduced her to the concept of ‘Fairy Breakfast’, made her a breakfast calendar, and developed a good strategy for a nutritious breakfast.
Breakfast has now been normalized and regularised in Shakuntala’s house which has, in turn, led to improving the health and energy levels of her child.
Shakuntala prepared a similar nutrition calendar for her tuition students and she continues to inspire them to have a healthy and regular breakfast for improved physical and mental health.
Program outreach and strategies:
-Geographical location: Dharavi, Mumbai
-Audience: Children between the age group of (3-6) years from 1500 families
Our Partner:
The Sesame Workshop Trust
CCDT is proud to be India’s Best Place To Work 2024-25, which is recognised by Great Place To Work (India)